Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Desperation Meal Plan

I haven't posted my weekly meal plan in quite a while because...I haven't had one!  But, my small breakdown in my kitchen yesterday prompted me to spend the time to plan out our meals for this week. 

I'd been busy all morning and it was time to make lunch.  Now, because of our swim team practice schedule, we have our big dinner-type meal for lunch and have a smaller lunch after swim team practice.  First, I couldn't think of ANYTHING to make which I truly find one of the great mysteries of life.  With thousands upon thousands of recipes readily available, why is it so hard for me to think of something to make for dinner?  Then, when I figured out something to make, I found we were missing key ingredients.  Finally, in desperation, I announced we were going to Moe's.  So, when my husband got home (he gets home early because he goes to work at 4 am) we went to Moe's, our favorite Mexican restaurant.  We had a great lunch but it threw off our day and I felt a bit guilty about going out to eat simply because I was so unprepared.

So, now I have a meal plan for the week!  I'm relying heavily on the new McCormick Slow Cookers seasoning mix packets.  I purchased several of the seasoning mix packets recently and I hope they're yummy!

  • Tuesday - Pot Roast with potatoes and carrots (I used a McCormick Slow Cooker Savory Pot Roast Seasoning packet for this recipe - it smells delicious and has been cooking all night).
  • Wednesday - Chicken Noodle Soup (McCormick Slow Cookers Chicken Noodle Soup Seasoning Mix) and Baked Potatoes.  
  • Thursday - Breakfast for lunch - Egg McMuffin-type egg sandwiches, bacon, pancakes, tater tots
  • Friday - Italian Herb Chicken (McCormick Slow Cookers Italian Herb Chicken Seasoning) with spaghetti, broccoli, and garlic bread.
  • Saturday - Steaks on the grill (yes, my husband grills even when it's cold), Cheesy Potatoes, Grilled Vegetables (mushrooms, red peppers, zucchini), and grilled hot dogs.
  • Sunday - Lunch at Moe's after church with extended family.
I love the peace of mind a meal plan gives me.  Now, if I could only get in the habit of actually making a plan for each week!

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