Friday, June 17, 2011

Week In Review - We're On a Road Trip at Vacation Bible Camp!

I can't believe how fast the summer is flying by!  In 9 short weeks, we'll be back to full-time homeschooling!  Our days have been a frenzy of swim team practice, swim meets, and lots of fun events.  Whoever came up with the idea of the "lazy days of summer" certainly didn't have to leave the house at 5:15am to get their swimmers to early practice!

Everybody at my house (except my husband who had to work during Vacation Bible Camp) has been on a ROAD TRIP this week for VBC!  Our theme this year is Road Trip:  Discovering Life on the Highways.  Vacation Bible Camp week is always one of my most exhausting, but yet somehow, one of my most favorite weeks of the summer.  This year, I was an assistant teacher in one of the preschool rooms.  I already knew several of the children from Sunday School class and it was wonderful getting to know them better this week. I've also really enjoyed seeing the littles do all of the fun crafts this week.
Mason is helping with Recreation again this year.  He had an absolute blast this week with all of his buddies from youth group.  The bulk of Recreation time for the VBC children was spent playing on the gigantic blow-ups borrowed from our main church campus.
Seeing my big-almost-teenager son gently encouraging a 4 year old to go down the big slides never fails to warm my heart!
Amber was a student helper in a preschool room this week.  She also enjoyed her week even though she found some of the preschoolers challenging at times.
Our church's mission focus for the week was Transport for Christ.  I was so blessed to learn a bit more about this important ministry to truck drivers.  One of the ministry's church on wheels was parked in our church parking lot all week.
We were blessed by being able to tour the mobile church truck with our preschool class.  I was amazed that the inside of the truck really felt like a church.
Other than VBC, the other big event of the past week was that my youngest child turned 10!  Happy Birthday, Duncan!  We did lots of festive activities to celebrate Duncan's birthday including a family party and a day at Fun and Stuff.  Fun and Stuff is a local activity center with mini-golf, go-karts, an arcade, and many more activities.
That was our Week in Review!  To read about what other homeschoolers were doing this week, visit Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers for the Weekly Wrap-Up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Movies Watched in April and May

By far, the very best movie that I have seen over the past two months was Rio.  My teenage daughter and I both absolutely adored Rio!  We laughed, we cried, and we enjoyed the music of the movie tremendously.  I highly recommend this family-friendly film!

  • Pride and Prejudice  *****  While I've seen this movie several times before, my daughter watched it with me for the first time.  She was captivated by the film and it was the perfect movie to watch after reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
  • Thor  ****
  • The Green Hornet  ****
  • True Blood Season 1  ***  I have VERY mixed feelings about the True Blood series.  While I absolutely adore the books by Charlaine Harris and enjoy seeing some of her characters translated to the screen, the interpretation of the books is, for the most part, FAR more R-rated than the books.
  • Morning Glory  ****  This film caught me by surprise.  My daughter picked it out and I was expecting a mediocre romantic comedy but it was excellent.
  • Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides  ***  My daughter definitely enjoyed this movie more than I did.  It was entertaining but that's it.  I didn't think the plot was nearly as strong as in the first two movies.
  • Rio  *****  As mentioned at the beginning of this post, I highly recommend this wonderful family-friendly film!
Have you seen any good movies lately?  I'm always on the look-out for great movies to watch!

Photo courtesy of  The movie theater image was created by Salvatore Vuono.