Saturday, April 18, 2009

Ultraviolet Light Sensitive Beads

We finished a delightful unit on Light. My children and I learned so much and enjoyed many great hands-on science activities about light and color. As our primary resource, we used the Light Kit from Stratton House:

I did purchase extra pieces so that my children would not have to share the pieces of the kit too much. I highly recommend at least purchasing an acrylic box, light stick, rainbow glasses, magnifier, and polarizing filters for each child. I would also recommend buying a bag of ultraviolet light sensitive beads as the kit only comes with a few. The effect is much more dramatic if the children have enough beads to make a larger bracelet.

I had never seen ultraviolet light sensitive beads before and I was quite skeptical that they would work. Of course, the day I had planned for the activity was DREARY, GREY, and CLOUDY with no sign of the sun! I thought for sure the activity wouldn't work. My goal was to finish our Light unit before I leave for the homeschool convention on Thursday so I wanted to stick with my lesson plans.

Therefore, I bravely had the children make their bracelets. The children put their bracelets close to indoor lamps and windows and nothing happened. Then we prepared to go outside in the chill, grey air. The boys ran out before A and I and they immediately starting yelling with delight. I was amazed to discover that their beads were all different colors. It was magical!

So, I ran to get my camera to document the cool activity. Here is a picture of the bracelet of ultraviolet light sensitive beads taken inside:
Here is a picture of the beads outside!

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