Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Organizing My Kitchen Part 2

As expected, organizing my kitchen is proving to be a slow and time-consuming process. My daughter had a ride to and from swim team last night, so I had some time after dinner to work on my kitchen organization project.

I completely finished one upper cabinet. I sorted through everything in the cabinet and added some items to my boxes (Give Away, Move, Don't Know). I was mystified to discover that I had two blenders in my cabinet - I'm not quite sure how that happened. In a very bold move, I took out the middle shelf so that the items in the cabinet fit better. I also put all of the pieces parts of my food processor in a basket, along with the instruction booklet, so that I can pull it all out together and take the whole thing over to my island to use. Here is a picture of my organized cabinet:I also moved our "recharging center." Last summer, I gathered up all of our chargers for all of the items that we have that need to be recharged on a regular basis (cell phones, Wii remotes, Nintendo DSs, and iPods) and made a recharging center at the far end of one of our kitchen counters. I have adored the convenience of not searching desperately for a particular charger when something needed charged but I didn't like the messy mass of wires on my kitchen counter. So, I moved the whole recharging center to a cabinet shelf that has a door!

Now you see the recharging center...

Now you don't!

Spurred on by my success, I decided to work on my task longer and I started to tackle one of my messiest drawers. This is the mess that I unearthed after I took out my completely unorganized mass of loose recipes.
And here is the completely unorganized mass of loose recipes on my living room floor waiting to be organized.

It took me over an hour but I did sort through all of those recipes. Using the suggestion from "Kitchen Organization Tips and Secrets" by Deniece Schofield, I organized the recipes that I haven't tried but want to try into categories and put them into hanging file folders. The recipes that I use regularly were placed into my brand new Meal Planning/Recipes Notebook. I put all of the little recipe booklets that I wanted to save in one big clear envelope. Now, when I find a recipe I want to try, I can quickly put it in the correct file folder so it will be handy when I do decide to actually make the recipe.

Hopefully, I will be posting again soon that I have made additional progress in my kitchen organization project.

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