Friday, May 14, 2010

Week in Review - One Crazy Day and More Winding Down the School Year

Monday was an absolutely crazy day. I must admit that I have true Hobbit tendencies and enjoy long stretches of time at home...and lots of comfort. Monday morning found me out the door first thing in the morning with my middle son for a doctor's appointment. Afterwards, I stopped at Jo-Ann's for a lanyard craft kit my son had been wanting to try since it was right by the doctor's office. On the way home, we had to stop at Target for a prescription.

After a very short time at home, I left again to take my daughter to the dentist. Afterwards, we stopped at Aldi for groceries. We got back home, put away the groceries, cleaned the kitchen and got ready to leave for swim team. While the kids were at swim team, I took a free class at the library about Windows Vista. Then, I picked the kids up and went home.

In between all of that we ate several times and everybody did their independent schoolwork. Doesn't it make you tired just hearing about it? Thankfully, the week slowed way down after Monday with only school and swim team filling our days.

We covered two more states this week - Wyoming and Colorado. We need to cover 7 more states before the end of our school year. We are speeding through 4 states next week and then that will leave California, Alaska, and Hawaii. After two years, the children will be finishing up their massive United States notebooks! Now, if only I could be 100% sure how I am going to incorporate Geography study next year...

In a week of winding down, our art lesson was pretty low-key as well. All three children worked on finishing their Parade Pictures from last week. This project took much longer than I had anticipated it would. The picture was done in two parts - the background crowd and then the band members. The band members were drawn on another piece of cardstock and then cut out and glued in front of the watching crowd.

My boys finished first and spent the rest of the late afternoon helping their father and grandfather with yard work. What good boys!
Duncan's picture is so fun - I can hear the parade in my head when I look at his picture. Look at the band member carrying the huge drums!
As usual, Mason had his own particular interpretation of the assignment. I like how his parade picture really has a cartoon feel to it with his fantastical band members.
My daughter's picture is incredibly detailed and precise. She worked on her picture for an extremely long time. I even got started on some much needed organizing and de-cluttering in our basement art room while she finished her picture!While some of the detail is lost without seeing the picture up close, you can note how each person in the crowd was carefully drawn and colored. I adore the band members with their acrobatics!We have only 3 more weeks to go before summer break! We are all looking forward to a break in our routine for 8 full weeks! We will be starting back up with full-fledged school August 2nd. If you want to read a very detailed post about how I planned out our school year start/end dates and vacation days for next year, you can read it here.

I know those 8 weeks will fly by as many days are already accounted for with activities such as: double swim team practices for Amber 3 times a week, regular swim team practice, swim meets, Vacation Bible Camp, a visit from out-of-state cousins, Summer Sectionals in Indiana, and a homeschool conference! I also have a rather scary list of goals that I would like to accomplish here at home and in preparation for the new school year.

So, it was another week of winding down and, for me, winding up for the next school year and summer break! If you want to read about what other homeschoolers were doing this week, check out the Weekly Wrap-Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

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