Thursday, December 31, 2009

Turning Cluttered and Chaotic Into Organized and Useful

What is it about turning a cluttered, chaotic drawer or shelf into an organized, useful space that is so endlessly satisfying for me? Part of the thrill might be the instant gratification - the feeling of "Look, I actually DID something and I can see that it's DONE." I just can't stop smiling everytime I open one of the drawers or cabinets in our master bathroom.

For years, our cabinets and drawers in our master bathroom have been a total disaster. They really haven't been cleaned in years and they've never been organized. Really, it's been years since they've been cleaned. My youngest is 8 1/2. One of the items I threw out yesterday was cracked nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers. Since, I stopped nursing when Duncan was about one year of age, it's been at least 7 years since the bathroom has been de-cluttered and organized!

After spending years on my endless "to-do" list, I finally buckled down yesterday and cleaned all of the drawers and cabinets in our bathroom. The task was long but hugely satisfying. I discovered that I will probably never have to buy disposable razors again - I couldn't believe how many I found lurking in the backs of drawers, hiding from me, laughing at me. Sadly, I could never find them before and kept buying new packs. Sneaky little hair removers - they can no longer hide from me.

I just love the cluttered, chaotic BEFORE pictures followed by the organized, useful AFTER pictures. With no further hesitation, here are the highlights in photo form...

I stacked all of the towels in a square laundry basket so they are no longer falling all over. I also established a central area for our supply of shampoo and other essentials. I hate going to Super WalMart so I stockpile items like shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc.

This drawer filled to the rim with odds & ends and junk became a central place for combs and brushes. Yes, this was the drawer in which I found the cracked nipple cream for breastfeeding mothers.
I used a lot of shoeboxes (I save them - they're handy) in my bathroom organizing efforts. I transformed this mess into...
a great place for odds & ends that I want to keep and a central place to keep travel-sized items. Since we travel frequently for swim meets, it will be great to have travel-sized items in one place that is easy to find.

This drawer, though, is my favorite transformation. I took this haphazard drawer and made it into...
a central storage area for soap, deodorant, toothpaste, and razors. I LOVE this - now I can quickly see if we actually need something - and I can stop buying razors that I don't need!
Yes, those were the highlights. I think I'll go look in one of my organized and useful drawers now and smile.

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