Wednesday, December 2, 2009

25 Days of Ornaments - Pastel Candy Canes and a Rocking Horse

I have a few ornaments that were part of a larger set but have been lost or broken over the years. The remaining few ornaments are treasured by me because these are the only ornaments that I have from when I was a small child.

I have a pink frosty candy cane...
an orange frosty rocking horse...
and an orange frosty candy cane.

While taking these pictures tonight, I had to laugh at our dog and cat. The cat really doesn't like the dog. She really doesn't like the dog. I truly think she is still mad about Hershey coming to live with us and Hershey is almost 6 years old. If the dog gets too close to her, she hisses and bats her paw to warn Hershey to back off.
But, on a cold night, with the lure of a warm fire, they are both willing to put aside their differences to enjoy the comfort of the hearth.

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