Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Eve - A Perfect Day at Home

Our family had our own Christmas celebration on Christmas Eve. My husband had to work all day on Christmas and some of our extended family were coming over on December 26th for a Christmas party so we decided to have our own family celebration on Christmas Eve. We had an absolutely perfect, low-key celebration.

When my husband got home from work around 1:00, we quickly finished preparing our special Christmas dinner of ribeye steaks on the grill (soaked in marinade over 24 hours), baked potatoes with butter rubbed into the skins, and steamed broccoli. We had chocolate covered cream puffs and cheesecake bites for dessert (both from the freezer section at the grocery). Kev braved the cold weather to grill out the steaks and they were quite yummy.

After eating our special meal, we opened our presents. The children had been waiting all day to open their gifts so they were definitely ready! The children received lots of great gifts and they were really excited about all of their new presents.

Duncan was MOST excited about his new DOMO stuffed toy! I picked Domo up on clearance at Target months and months ago. I knew Duncan would love him!
One of Amber's favorite presents was her new "oh, crab" beach towel. The towel matches her adorable "oh, crab" flip-flops that she wears on the pool deck every day. She assured me that her "oh,crab" towel was far and away her new favorite towel to take to swim team.Kevin gave me a Temo's chocolate tree filled with chocolates. Yummy! I absolutely adore Temo's chocolates.Amber knitted Kev a hat in her swim team's colors. The hat turned out really sharp in maroon and gold. After opening all of their presents, Duncan and Mason had to play one of the games that Mason received for Christmas - Simpsons Scene It.
While the boys played their game and Kevin took a much-deserved nap on the couch by the fire, Amber and I played the game she received for Christmas - New Moon. After seeing the movie twice and reading the book twice, I felt I was quite prepared to dominate in the game. Of course, Amber beat me.
Our family Christmas celebration was perfect - it was a relaxed day with a wonderful meal that didn't require hours of preparation in the kitchen. Amber and I watched "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" later in the evening (it was even better the second time). After that, Amber opted to read in bed and I watched "Toy Story" with the boys. We had never seen it before and enjoyed the movie tremendously. "Toy Story" was a perfect ending to a perfect day!

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