Monday, August 23, 2010

Study Aids for Biology

My daughter is taking Apologia Biology this year.  She is currently studying for the Module 2 test on Kingdom Monera.  For the test, she needs to memorize the "Partial Classification of Kingdom Monera" table.  At first, she thought memorizing the table would be almost impossible.  I encouraged her to focus on memorizing the four different Phylums first and their characteristics.

I was so pleased when she showed me the index cards that she had made to help her prepare for the test.  Using an excellent study strategy, she made memorable connections between the Phylum names and the characteristics of the Phylum.  Her index cards were excellent and I found that I easily memorized the information after looking at her pictures and explanations.
"Bacteria in Phylum Gracilicutes say "No Gracias" to Mr. Gram's dye-job stain, which they don't retain."  Phylum Gracilicutes - Gram-negative bacteria

  "Bacteria in Phylum Firmicutes have strong and firm muscles and a positive attitude!" 
Phylum Firmicutes - Gram-positive bacteria

"Bacteria in Phylum Tenericutes are very tender because they have nothing to protect them, like a wall."
Phylum Tenericutes - Bacteria lacking a cell wall

"Bacteria from Phylum Mendosicutes come from Mendonisia and are exotic belly dancers."
Phylum Mendosicutes - Bacteria with exotic cell walls

I adore the little bacteria drawings!  Who says high school biology can't be fun?  Obviously not the belly-dancing bacteria!

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