Wednesday, August 18, 2010

School Pictures

For the 2010-2011 school year, I have a class of three (as usual).  My youngest, Duncan, is technically in 4th grade this year.  My middle child, Mason, is technically in 6th grade this year.  My oldest child, Amber, is technically in 8th grade this year.  I say technically because, as any experienced homeschooler knows, grade levels don't mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of learning.  For example, Mason is "below" grade level in grammar but way above his years in artistic ability.  Duncan is "above" grade level in math but is most comfortable reading chapter books "below" grade level.  Amber is taking several high school courses this year but is "below" grade level in spelling.  All of my children have great strengths and some weaknesses.  I am so blessed that they can be home with me where I can actively work to focus on their strengths while also working to overcome their weaknesses, at their own pace.

This is actually our third week of the 2010-2011 school year so these are not "first day of school" photos.  After my kids were dressed this morning, I dragged them out to the school room for a quick photo shoot.  Thankfully, they indulged me without too much groaning.

So, here we go, To Be Busy At Home's 2010-2011 class of students!

My oldest child is Amber.  She is 13 and in 8th grade this year.  She has started quite a bit of high school work this year including Algebra 1, Biology, and Literary Analysis.  Amber enjoys learning and is an excellent writer.  She loves to read and talk about books.  We enjoy listening to books on tape together in the car.   

She is absolutely passionate about swimming.  For the fall, her practice schedule has her in the water 12 hours a week with an additional 1.5 hours of dry-land exercises.  She is about 1/2 of a second away from a Junior National cut in the 50 Freestyle and that is her driving goal right now.  When she's not doing schoolwork or swimming, she enjoys texting her friends, watching movies, reading, and doing craft or art projects.  Even though she is a teenager now, we are still extremely close.  I am beyond blessed to have a smart, beautiful, talented, and funny daughter like Amber.

My middle child is Mason.  He is 11 and is in 6th grade this year (he turns 12 in October).  Of all of my children, he is the most like my husband.  He loves to make people laugh, is kind to everybody, and is always willing to help my husband with yardwork and other projects.  Schoolwork does not always come easily to Mason but he has progressed well in all of his subjects over the years and is doing well in all of his subjects.  He is amazingly talented in art, particularly clay sculpting.  There is rarely a day that goes by when Mason does not spend at least an hour making clay figures.  Sometimes his creations take my breath away - he is amazing with clay.  He also draws quite well and has a great eye for color. 

Mason's talents are not limited to art, though.  He swims competitively as well and has recently earned A times in two events, the 50 Free and the 100 Fly.  Mason's fall practice schedule has him in the water 10 hours a week with an additional 1.5 hours of dry land exercises.  As well, Mason will be participating in a bowling league this fall.

Mason enjoys clay sculpting, playing with his brother, listening to his iPod Touch, and watching silly videos on You Tube.  He also really enjoys going to Youth Group each week at church.  In addition to seeing his friends, he enjoys the monthly trip they make to a local nursing home to play games with the residents.  Every day I am thankful that Mason and his sweet spirit are in my life. 

Lastly, is my youngest child, Duncan.  Duncan just turned 9 in June and is in 4th grade this year.  Duncan is in that in-between time now - he's not really a "little" kid anymore and he's not a "big kid" like his brother and sister.  Duncan loves playing with his brother, playing games with anybody in his family, video games, building with Legos or blocks, and sculpting with clay.  Duncan is also on a USA swim team and his fall schedule has him practicing 6 hours a week.  Duncan is getting very close to B times in a few events!  Duncan will also be on a bowling league with his brother this fall.

Duncan is a good student who works diligently at his own pace to finish his school assignments.  He enjoys hands-on projects and art projects.  He excels in math and is very good with numbers.  I can't imagine my life without my adorable Duncan with his hugs and love.

Lastly, the school pictures wouldn't be complete without the teacher, school nurse, office worker, lunch lady, bus driver, and curriculum planner.  So, here is my complete staff of school personnel for the 2010-2011 school year.  

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