Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Celebrating Thankfulness - #61-80

Over the week-end our family gathered with extended family to celebrate my daughter's 14th birthday.

We had a lovely time as we always do when we get together.  My mother-in-law has always insisted that we get together for birthdays, with cake, to celebrate.  So, over the course of the year we get together for 6 or more birthday parties, in addition to all of the major holidays.  When I was first married, I resented all of the time that the celebrations would take but over the years I have grown to LOVE getting together for birthday parties.  I feel so close to my husband's family and am so blessed by them.  I have also grown to understand the importance of gathering together with family to celebrate whenever one can. 
61.  Getting together with extended family members to celebrate birthdays.
62.  Friends who are willing to share yummy recipes, like lasagna.
63.  A teenager who looks forward to going to church.
64.  Freshly baked bread which is gobbled up just a few short hours after it is made which reflects both the blessing of being at home and the blessing of from-scratch cooking.

65.  Kind teenagers who made my daughter feel welcome during morning swim team practice.
66.  Chlorine, even though it burns my eyes at swim meets, I am thankful for chlorine because it helps to keep the pool water safe for my children and all the children on their swim team.
67.  My wonderful husband who always packs a cooler for us and makes a great breakfast for the children on swim meet mornings.
68.  My blog.
69.  My bloggy friends.
70.  The 52 Weeks of Organizing Challenge at Org Junkie which is keeping me motivated to organize and clean all those little (or big) areas of our house that could use an organizational overhaul.
71.  Lycra in jeans.
72.  Books that can be counted on to have a happy ending like cozy mysteries and romance novels.
73.  My fabulous sister-in-law who has become one of my dearest friends.
74.  An after-school bowling league for Duncan and Mason which is a chance for all of us to see our dear homeschooling friends.
75.  Our dishwasher which is blissfully quiet as it washes the dishes...at least twice a day.
76.  Tax preparation software.
77.  The endless creativity of my children and their desire to create art in all different forms.  As I write this post, Amber is downstairs painting a picture for her room with a Minoan Fresco theme.
78.  Studying ancient history and making connections through time.
79.  Reading aloud from a wonderful book to all of my children (even my teenager).
80.  Curling up by our fireplace on our stitched-together - needs stitched again, wonderfully comfy couch.

To read about the blessings of other bloggers, visit A Holy Experience for this week's Multitudes on Mondays.

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