Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week in Review - Clam Dissection, Hands-On Science, and Snuggling by the Fireplace

This week marked the first pretty cold week that we've had here in our part of Ohio.  With temperatures dipping into the 30s at night and highs in the low 50s during the day, we've been enjoying our fireplace quite a bit during our school days!  I had to smile when I discovered Mason on the couch by the fireplace listening to his assigned book on tape - he just wouldn't find that level of comfort if he went to school outside our home!  By the way, he has a lollipop in his mouth, not a thermometer!

We had another very busy week after a very busy week-end and I must admit that I'm starting to really look forward to our week-long Thanksgiving break!  

Last week-end, Amber and I attended the Million Dollar Quartet.  Wow - what a fabulous show!  Amber and I are both big Elvis and Johnny Cash fans so we didn't stop smiling through the entire performance.

The rest of the week-end was jam-packed.  Saturday evening, the children attended a friend's Halloween party.  Then, on Sunday, Amber and Mason participated in the Mile Meet.  Yes, they each competed in the 1650 Yard Freestyle (one full mile).  They both did very well and they both achieved personal best times!
  • Amber - 18.23.63 (AAA time standard, 2/23)
  • Mason - 19.58.88 (BB time standard, 7/12)

Amber and I spent the remainder of Sunday running a few errands and we went to see The Three Musketeers.  It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it was very entertaining.  Sunday marked the third week-end in a row that we've missed church due to swim meets.  I'm SO looking forward to going to church this Sunday!

The highlights of our school week centered on hands-on science.
Mason made his volcano erupt with vinegar, baking soda, and red food dye.  Erupting the volcano made an exciting ending to the chapter on volcanoes and earthquakes.

As part of the science chapter, Mason also was assigned the task of designing his own invention.  He was supposed to design an invention that would help learn more about volcanoes in some way.  Bob Jones Science Level 6 has many activities in each chapter and students are not expected to complete every single activity.  I almost skipped this one but when Mason read about it in his book, he became very excited, so I decided we would complete the invention activity as well.
Mason made his invention out of duct tape - one of his craft materials of choice.
His invention will instantly freeze lava to stop the flow when it is on a destructive path.  As well, the lava can be frozen so that scientists can study it instantly.  I thought his invention was very creative!
Duncan is very excited to be working through a chapter on work and simple machines.  He conducted an activity to explore the impact of the position of the fulcrum on the effort needed to lift a load.  
When we finished the activity, Duncan asked if he could continue experimenting for a while longer on his own.  I just love it when my kids are interested enough in a science lesson to want to investigate further when we're done!
Amber and I worked together on her first dissection in Marine Biology.  We worked through a clam dissection.  I was so proud of the two us because we found everything we were supposed to find, except for the heart and gut, which were listed as organs that MAY be able to be found.

To bring this Week in Review to a close, I will end with five random statements that relate to our school year thus far:
  • Duncan finished all of the levels in his typing program and earned the Advanced Touch Typist Award.  He was SO proud of his award!  He printed out two copies - one for his bulletin board and one for his portfolio.
  • My boys and I all really like the current history read-aloud, Sign of the Beaver.  
  • We all watched The Great Inca Rebellion this week for a history video.  While it was very good, it was a bit too gory for my 10 year old.  
  • After dissecting a clam with my daughter this week, I have decided that I don't feel quite comfortable with animals that don't have eyes.
  • I definitely need to make a meal plan for next week.  I was floundering every day trying to figure out what to make for our big lunch!  
That was our week in review!  To read about what other bloggers were doing in their homeschools this week, visit the Weekly Wrap-Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

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