Monday, September 13, 2010

Finding Time For Myself

This week's TOS Homeschool Crew Blog Cruise is on the topic of "Mom time."  More specifically, "How do you find free time?  Is it OK to take time for yourself?  If so, how?"

I definitely think "Mom time" is very important for every mother.  To me, "Mom time" is taking time to take care of myself.  The older I get, the more important it has become that I take care of myself for my overall health and mood.  When I was in graduate school, I used to be able to stay up late night after night jacked up on caffeine and get tons done.  Now, at 41, I just can't do that anymore.  Caffeine causes an irregular heart beat for me and just one night of inadequate sleep wears on me the next day.

As well, my "Mom time" looks very different now than when my children were younger.  I can clearly remember falling into bed absolutely exhausted after a full day of taking care of a baby, toddler, and preschooler.  Days of breastfeeding, potty training, and homemade play-doh went on and on, and at times I thought I would never be able to go more than one minute without little hands on me - wanting, needing, and demanding.  In those days, I relied more heavily on programs designed for young mothers at church, my husband, and grandmothers to get a little break and time for myself.

My youngest child is now 9, so it is much easier for me to take time for me.  My children no longer need constant direct supervision - I don't need to be in the same room with them all of the time.  So, I have a lot more time to myself.  Part of that, though, is how I define time for myself.  Many other mothers would not consider some of the items on my list "Mom time," but, for me, the items on my list refresh my body, my mood, and my spirit.

  • Treadmill time - I TRY to walk for 30 minutes a day.  Now, this does not always happen but I do try.  I enjoy walking and watch part of a movie or a TV show while I walk.  I always feel better after walking and the exercise helps to keep me healthy.
  • Trapped time - I NEVER waste trapped time.  With three children on swim team, I find myself with trapped time quite a bit.  For example, three days a week, I drop my older two children off at the pool for the advanced practice but have to wait 45 minutes for my younger son to finish practice.  It's too far for me to drive back home so I make sure I have books to read in the car.  Or, I run over to the library (which is next to the fitness center) to browse about in the library for a bit, which I love.  If I have longer periods of trapped time, I take my laptop and write at a local coffee shop.
  • Computer time - Usually, at the end of the school day, before I start grading and getting things ready for the next day, I read some of my favorite blogs.  I may even do some writing.  I do limit computer time as I could easily spend hours wandering aimlessly on the internet.  I just don't have the time so I make sure to keep a close eye on the clock when I'm on the computer.
  • Personal hygiene time - I always take a shower and get dressed every day.  I just feel better if I'm dressed, my hair is fixed, and I have the tiny bit of make-up I wear applied.
  • Church - I look forward to the weekly church service where I can sing, listen, and pray with no interruptions.
  • Laundry folding - As weird as it may sound, I enjoy the quiet pace of folding laundry while watching a movie.  I know I could fold the laundry more quickly while standing up.  Folding the laundry while watching a movie is a pleasant break for me.
  • Reading before bed - I always read for a bit before I go to sleep.  Reading is a huge pleasure for me and I make sure that I'm always reading at least one book for pure pleasure.
  • Sleep - I consider sleep "Mom time" in that I have had to make a very conscious effort to be purposeful about getting enough sleep.  Sometimes I don't get everything done but I just don't stay up super-late to finish tasks anymore.  I need at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
In addition to the above items, I would really like to carve out a specific time to work on our family scrapbooks.  I love to scrapbook but it is a hobby that has been pushed aside to more pressing demands on my time. 

So, what do you consider to be "Mom time"?  How do you find time for yourself in the midst of all of your responsibilities?

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