Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Grew A Frog???

As an enrichment activity to Duncan's (10) science course this year, I purchased a Grow A Frog kit.  Duncan has been ANXIOUSLY awaiting the arrival of his little tadpole.  After waiting a few weeks, a little styrofoam container arrived today in the mail that was clearly his long-awaited tadpole!

Excitement abounded in our house and my teenage daughter even took a break from her schoolwork to help her little brother set up the habitat.
Having never received a LIVE TADPOLE in the mail before, I have to admit that I was a bit nervous that the little guy would be belly-up when we opened the box.  Finally, the habitat was completely ready, and we opened the package containing the tadpole...
but the tadpole wasn't a tadpole!  It was a very live, tiny frog!  Duncan was quite disappointed that his little tadpole had already grown up.

Perplexed, I called the Grow a Frog folks.  After looking up my account, the representative quickly informed me that I received a frog instead of a tadpole because I ordered a frog.  I meant to order a tadpole, I thought I ordered a tadpole, but I was mistaken.  Tomorrow I'll be sending in the correct form to order Duncan's tadpole.

Since our tadpole habitat is too small for a full-grown frog, we retrieved a small aquarium that we had in the basement and quickly prepared a place for the frog to live so we could get him out of his travel bag.
So, for now, here is our frog's new home.  We put gravel in the bottom but have since learned that sand is a better choice for little frogs so we will be purchasing some from the pet store.  We'll also purchase some small plants to make the frog's habitat more homey.
Now, we wait again for our tadpole...

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