Thursday, February 3, 2011

Celebrating Thankfulness - #81-100

We have had some challenging weather this past week with snow and lots of ice.  My daughter attends morning swim team practice twice a week now in addition to her evening practices.  So, on Tuesday, I ventured forth on snow-covered roads to take her to the pool.  Now, I don't particularly like driving and I hate driving on snowy roads.  When we finally arrived at the pool, we found out that practice had been cancelled!  On the drive home (thankfully, the pool is only about 10 minutes from our home) I began to think about all of the work that goes into making our roads safe to drive upon in the winter.  Being out so early in the morning, before the plows could get caught up with the most recent snowfall, really made me appreciate snow plows and salt trucks!  I also began thinking about how our house shelters us from the outside weather.  My family is safe and snug in our home even when winter rages right outside our windows.  Therefore, most of my thankfulness list this week focuses on all of the wonderful things in my life that protect us from the weather.

81.  Snowplows
82.  Salt trucks
83.  Stockpiles of salt for the roads
84.  Anti-lock brakes on our minivan
85.  Vehicle Stability Assist with traction control from Honda on our minivan 
86.  Our state Department of Transportation
87.  Central heating
88.  A cozy gas fireplace
89.  Heated seats for the driver and front passenger in our minivan
90.  Insulation in our house
91.  A heated garage for our car
92.  A roof that does not leak
93.  Electricity
94.  Checking the weather forecast on the internet - I love
95.  A wonderful swim team website on which weather-related cancellations are posted as soon as possible
96.  Years of experience driving that have taught me to just go very slow when driving on ice and snow and to pump my brakes on ice
97.  The happy fact that the vast majority of the time, I simply don't have to leave my house when the weather is really bad!
98.  The blessing of being able to pray to God for safety when driving on bad roads
99.  Insulated windows
100.  Getting home safely once again

Photo courtesy of Evgeni Dinev at Free Digital Photos.

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