Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Week In Review

The summer is flying by way too fast! I can't believe June is already gone! Our summer continues to be enjoyable and productive, though.

This past week was busy as usual. Last week-end, Amber participated in an outdoor USA swim meet on both Saturday and Sunday. I attended on Saturday but not on Sunday. Amber did SO well on both days. She achieved a new best time in the 200 Free, earned first place in the 50 Free and 100 Free, and placed in all of her other events. Congratulations, Amber!

The swim meet was incredibly long, though. On the first day, many of the parents brought food to share and canopies for shade. Kev brought his portable gas grill and we grilled hot dogs for the parents and the swimmers. Kev is in back of the grill in the picture below.

One of Amber's really good friends was swimming at the meet for another team so it was a delight to see her mother - a friend of mine. I am on the right and my friend is on the left.

On Sunday, Kev took Amber to the meet and it rained on and off the whole day. I went up to our family business and took the grocery order in the morning and then spent much of the rest of the day doing the payroll.

Mason also had swim meets on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. He swam very well at both of the meets and received all first and second place ribbons! Congratulations, Mason! Mason was also quite happy to spend the night at his friend's house after the swim meet on Thursday.

The rest of the week was filled with swim team practice for Amber and Mason and organizational projects for me. One highlight of the week was going out to lunch at Ruby Tuesdays with Nana!

While I was diligently working on organizational projects in the school room closet and the dining room, the children found lots of fun things to do to occupy their time this week. Amber spent one day baking. She made a cake and almond cookies - yummy!

I am always amazed at how my boys play together for hours and hours and always find new things to do together. The boys spent hours playing with their little skateboard guy toys and set up a ramp in the middle of the hall for them.

They also spent hours this week setting up elaborate domino creations and then knocking them down.

They also spent much of one day putting together a Lego set that Mason had received for Christmas and had not been put together.Those two are certainly fortunate to have each other! They are not only brothers - they are best friends.

Another week of the summer is gone - I hope the rest are as peaceful and productive as this past week has been. If you would like to see how some other families are spending these lazy, hazy days of summer, check out the post and links at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers -

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