Thursday, March 11, 2010

Styrofoam Model of the Solar System

We are still studying Astronomy here, focusing primarily on our solar system. Even though I had a few reluctant learners for the topic at the beginning, everybody here has become interested in the amazing study of space. Last week, each of the children constructed a styrofoam model of the solar system.

I was really excited about this project as I purchased the original kit when my oldest (now 13), was only 3! After taking a closer look at the kit 10 years ago, I decided that it was much too much for my preschooler. In preparation for this unit, I purchased two more of the kits early in the school year. So, after waiting 10 years, I was excited to begin this project with my children!

As expected, constructing the models was a lot of work but all of the children enjoyed this project. We completed this project over two days, which I would recommend so the painted planets can completely dry.

We started by painting the styrofoam planets according to the directions. The styrofoam is hard to paint so we took one of the suggestions from the kit directions and put the paint in plastic baggies. Then, we placed the planet to paint in the baggie full of paint and smooshed it around.
The "smooshing method" worked very well and allowed the paint to seep into all of the little holes in the styrofoam to obtain good paint coverage.

I think all of my children enjoyed the tactile sensation of the paint smooshing!
For our home planet, Earth, the children wanted to paint it blue and green following a model of the Earth. The painted planets were quite bright and colorful. As suggested in the directions,we used toothpicks to remove the painted planets from the "paint bags." I had some old floral blocks so we used those to hold the planets for drying.

I was able to elicit my husband's help the next day. He cut all of the wires with wire snippers acccording to the directions given in the kit. I really appreciated his help as things were a bit hectic putting together the models with three children!

Each of the children had to measure out 1/2" on one end of each wire and 1" on the other end to know how deep to place the wire in the sun and each planet.

The finished solar system models turned out really well!

My sweet husband even took the time to hang all of the solar system models for us in the school room. I smile everytime I walk in there and see the often slowly twirling models.

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