Friday, August 21, 2009

Storage Closet in the School Room

My very wonderful and quite supportive sister-in-law, Auntie Kim, purchased a storage closet from her old workplace for just $5.00. Seriously, I do think that is one of the best deals of which I have ever heard! Being the very wonderful and quite supportive sister-in-law that she is, she thought of me and my family when she saw the storage closet. She thought we could use it in our school room. I really loved the storage closet from the first time that I saw it but I didn't utilize it to its full potential until my organizing spree this summer.

As you can see in the pictures, I was using it but there was quite a bit of unused storage space left in the storage closet. My master plan was to transform it into "school supply headquarters" for the school room. So, with my master plan in mind, I piled all the school supplies by the storage closet throughout the summer.

Here is the storage closet with the doors closed. I really like that the doors can be closed and it instantly looks so streamlined and tidy.

Here are some pictures of the inside of the storage closet before my organizational efforts. There is a lot of storage space inside!

And here is close-up of piles of school supplies waiting to be organized into their new home.My very favorite part of this storage closet is the many little drawers at the bottom that can be lifted out and placed on a table. I thought they would be perfect for pencils, rulers, permanent markers, etc. As you can see in this picture, I wasn't using the little drawers at all. So sad...This project actually took quite a bit longer than I had anticipated (nothing new there) but I finally finished completely organizing the storage closet into a happy home for all of our school supplies. I even sharpened all of the pencils. Every time I look at the storage closet now, I have to smile - it truly is a one of a kind, excellent storage closet.

In the close-up of these two shelves, you can see our multi-colored papers, blank file folders just waiting to be made into a lapbook, boxes of crayons, assorted school supplies in boxes, sheet protectors, comb binder, stapler, paper cutter, and a flower pot of paper clips.
At the top of the storage closet are larger bins with cardstock, assorted papers, and notebook paper. I also have a box of colored file folders and a mega three whole punch. You can also see the cute snowman cans that my children decorated filled with scissors, pens, and highlighters. Lastly, there is a plastic bin holding clear storage bags and roll-up colored pencils (the best colored pencils ever made).

Lastly, I utilized all of the bins at the bottom and I used my label maker to clearly mark their contents. There are bins for thin markers, fat markers, punches, tape, glue sticks, permanent markers, pens, pencils, rulers, and colored pencils.Perfectly organized school supplies in a wonderful storage closet - it's enough to make me smile every school day this coming academic year! Thank you Auntie Kim!

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