Monday, November 9, 2009

Comforting Lunches from a Vending Machine?

Is a comforting lunch this? Or this?

The other day my husband told me a very interesting tidbit of information. He said that a work colleague told him that his son's high school had replaced the cafeteria workers with vending machines. The thought struck me as quite odd and I pondered the scenario for several days. Then, when we were having a really yummy lunch at home, I thought about it again. I decided to do an internet search to learn more and found the article, "Machines give kids lessons in food, finance."

While many benefits are touted in the article of replacing school cafeteria workers with vending machines and perhaps there are many benefits, the whole idea is just quite strange to me. Imagining my children walking up to a vending machine and ordering their lunch seems so...completely not comforting.

Lunch is, and should be, a break in the school or work day. Lunch is a time to slow down, eat a nourishing meal, and spend time with people that one enjoys...or spend a bit of time alone to recharge one's batteries. A lunch spit out of a vending machine just doesn't compare to a lunch prepared by loving hands.

While we certainly have our share of rushed, less than stellar lunches here at home (frozen pizza and ramen noodles spring to mind), we often have a lovely, home-cooked meal. These meals are a chance for us to refresh,recharge, and renew ourselves before starting on the schoolwork of the afternoon and the evening activities that are to come.

Even though I still sometimes wish for a kitchen support staff, I count the ability for us to eat a nourishing, comforting lunch prepared by my hands as just one more of the benefits of homeschooling.

Yummy, nourishing lunches prepared by loving hands during the school's a comforting thing.

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