Thursday, July 30, 2009

Organizing My Kitchen Part 5

I have finally finished my very long-running kitchen organization project. While I did not take a lot of pictures of the last cabinets that I cleaned, culled, and organized - the last part of this project was not too bad as I had already covered the more difficult areas of the kitchen already. Probably the two hardest areas were the junk drawer and the "extra handy gadgets" drawer.

The "extra handy gadgets" drawer was so stuffed full of "extra handy gadgets" that it was extremely difficult to find any of those handy little things. I took a picture as I started cleaning out the drawer. Basically, I simply put a lot of "handy gadgets" into the Goodwill box, moved the batteries and chargers of all kinds to another location, and moved a few big spoons to a more convenient location in the kitchen. The remaining "extra handy gadgets" were returned to the drawer. Since these are items that I use, but not every day, I didn't feel the need to purchase a drawer divider. With less to sort through, the items that I need will not be too hard to find.

In my organizational glee, I did not take a picture of my junk drawer before I cleaned it out. It was horrible, though - I could barely shut it. I threw away lots of "junk" and moved items to where they belong. Amid all the chaos in the drawer were lots of office supplies - which I actually wanted to be in the drawer...but could never find. Using two small drawer dividers, I made a mini office supplies station for myself in the kitchen. I am thrilled with my "mini office" drawer now and it is SO handy to have all of those bits and pieces in the kitchen.

Organizing my kitchen was a huge job. Now that I am finished, I enjoy being in my kitchen a lot more. I have a feeling of control now in the kitchen - I KNOW what I have and I KNOW where to find it. Hopefully, all of the work and organization will translate into more "from scratch" meals and treats from my kitchen for my family!

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