Monday, April 5, 2010

The Desire for a Clean and Orderly Desk

Is it just me or does everybody feel dusty and cluttered this time of year? The cozy comfortable places filled with the clutter of daily life that didn't bother me a few weeks ago have become a contant eyesore and source of discouragement with the warmer weather. While I was sitting at my computer, I was suddenly overwhelmed by the mess all around me. I jumped up, grabbed my camera and took some before pictures.

I spend a lot of time at my little work area in our bedroom. While I sometimes spend too much time on the computer doing non-essential tasks, most of my computer time is spent doing the work that helps our homeschool and family business run smoothly. I also treasure the time I spend writing for my blog, Curriculum Choice, and Homeschool Classroom. So, the papers and the mess pile up quickly around my computer work area.

I feel that a less cluttered work area will help my thoughts to be less cluttered and chaotic but I need more than a quick fix. I've cleaned up my work area before, but, of course, it eventually got back to the the disorderly state you can see in the pictures above. So, this time, I'm looking for permanent solutions to the clutter.

I've been working on a small portion of my work area each day. By working on this project in small chunks, I'm better able to:

  • Not feel overwhelmed by the task and rush through it;

  • I can really give some thought to better storage solutions for the things I need to have at hand;

  • I can give thought to ways to manage the daily clutter without letting it pile up around me.

When I'm done (or perhaps along the way), I'll post pictures and the organizational solutions that I come up with to make my work area a more organized space. If you have any great tips to organize your computer work area, I'd love to hear them!

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