Friday, October 24, 2008

Halloween Gingerbread Houses

Saturday, October 25, 2008
We have been trying to have relaxed, catch-up, craft and project filled days on Fridays during this school year. A, M, D and I have been really enjoying our "no independent work" project-based Fridays. A just commented again the other day how much she is enjoying school this year. Such words are a balm to my soul!

Since yesterday was Friday we stayed true to my plan and did several wrapping up things - A, M, and D each took a multiplication test for the fives times table (A and M have 60 problems in 2 minutes - D has no time limit which M still gripes is unfair), they did their State of the Union page on Rhode Island (I didn't know it was so very tiny!), we made Halloween gingerbread houses, and the kidlets finished their pumpkin and Frankenstein's monster jar projects.

We have been making Christmas gingerbread houses for years now but this was the first time that we, blessedly, did such a project alone. It was wonderful to just enjoy my three children making their gingerbread houses and not worry about any other children. This was our first time making Halloween gingerbread houses and it was really a lot of fun for the kidlets. I am always amazed at their creativity during such projects. A wanted dirt for her pumpkin patch so she went in the pantry to get brown sugar and made a delightful pumpkin patch at the side of her house. Of course, the pumpkin patch was close to the spooky graveyard!
My main job was finding lots of cute Halloween candy for decorating and getting the work area set up. I found some really cute little sugar Halloween pieces at the local cake shop - M and D were particularly excited about the sugar skeleton faces. Here is a picture of some of the choices for decorations that I found.
Here are some adorable pictures of the children working diligently on their Halloween gingerbread houses. All of them were quite the creations, complete with pumpkin patches, graveyards, and lots of spooky things that go bump in the night!

And, lastly here are the finished products BEFORE the kidlets starting picking away at the candy!

A had to take pictures of her Halloween gingerbread house to share with her friends at swim team. One of her friends told her, "Look at the cool things that you get to do because you're homeschooled." More words that are a balm to my soul.

Random Thoughts:

***I am LOVING the Southern vampire mystery series that I recently discovered. I'm almost finished with book 1 - Dead Until Dark - and am looking forward to reading book 2. I haven't read any vampire books in a long time and it makes me feel young and free again.

***I am LOVING our new recliner chairs. They have heaters which feel delightful on my lower back at the end of a long day. Tonight I sat and watched Mythbusters and two episodes of Ace of Cakes with the kidlets. Bliss, total bliss.........................

***I am LOVING our new DVR. I have no idea how I survived this long without one. I LOVE being able to record things so effortlessly and then watch them at my convenience. I just love doing things at my convenience! Last night dh and I snuggled on our couch and watched an episode of Criminal Minds that I had recorded -so great to just skip right through the commercials. DH said, "Look at you with your new toy!"

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