Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week In Review - Frog Dissection, Bird Feeder, and a New Coffee Quilt

Another week has sped past me and I find myself just watching it go speeding past!  Since my two older children have been on break from swimming, I've been spending so much time LIVING my life that I've had very little time to WRITE about it!

Our schedule normally revolves around swim team practice, but with a 3 week break from swimming practice, I've been spending my usual solitary productive evening hours with my children.  We've been going shopping, playing Jeopardy on our Wii, talking by the fire, and watching movies.  Next week, though, swim team practice begins again and we will be back to our "normal" schedule.  Spending so much down time with my children has been fabulous, though!

While my daughter and I were out running errands and shopping one evening, we treated ourselves to a dinner out at Cracker Barrel (one of my favorite restaurants).  On the way out, I saw a delightful small quilt and decided that I must have it for our kitchen.  When I discovered it was 25% off, the deal was sealed!  I LOVE my new, adorable "coffee quilt."

While my new quilt was one of the highlights of my week last week, we had some highlights in our homeschool as well.  Amber completed her FINAL dissection for Biology.  Yeah!

Yes, Amber dissected  female frog FULL of eggs!   Overall, Amber has found the dissections to be very interesting and  informative.
Biology has been a wonderful course, a TON of work, and Amber can definitely see the end in sight now.  She will take the test over Module 13 next week and than she just has 3 modules left!

We are in our next-to-last week of studying ancient Greece.  Then, we will move on to ancient Rome for the remainder of the school year.  We watched a very good video about Alexander the Great, National Geographic - Beyond the Movie - Alexander.

Duncan made a bird feeder from recycled materials in Science last week.  I was amazed by how much he enjoyed the small project and how interested he has been in watching to see if birds are visiting his bird feeder!
That was our Week in Review!  To read about what other homeschoolers were doing last week, check out Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers' Weekly Wrap-Up.

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