Friday, March 26, 2010

Searching for Signs of Spring

A few weeks ago, I was particularly inspired by the warmer weather that had been filling our days. I flung open the windows and let the crisp, not nearly as cool as it used to be air fill our house. After months of having the windows locked up tight, the fresh air was heavenly!

More than encouraged by the warmer weather, I decided that we would all take a hike at a local nature center and soak in all of the sure to be seen signs of Spring. We waited until the afternoon when my husband got home from work and then we all headed out to the nature center.

Our first stop was the nature center visitor's center. We poked about, enjoying the turtles and toads on display. Then we spent a bit of time looking at the educational displays. I was particularly interested in the wild turkey display as we sometimes see wild turkeys in our backyard. My youngest child, Duncan, happily posed by the turkey for a picture!

When we were done at the visitor's center, we headed out for a hike. My plan was to stay on the easy, paved trail due to the mud and snow on the longer trail. My two older children quickly decided they wanted to take the more adventurous hike so I followed along.

While they didn't have any trouble on the trail, I found that my hiking shoes constantly slipped on the snowy trail. I quickly lagged WAY behind with my youngest walking patiently at my slow pace by my side. My enthusiasm was beginning to wane as I searched to no avail for signs of Spring on a snowy path.
But then we came to a bridge over a creek and my youngest and I were particularly struck by the sounds of the rushing water. Yes, the snow was melting and it was melting fast!

I insisted my other children come back to the bridge for a photo opp. From this view, you can see the broad areas where the snow has melted in the forest. At the end of the hike, we all sat and rested on some lovely benches. In a few months, this area will be particularly lovely and filled with flowers. For today, though, it was enough to notice some small patches of greenery starting to come to life in the pond and buds starting to form on the trees. Ever my artist, Mason sketched the scene in front of him.
I think our Signs of Spring walk was just a little too early for many visible signs of the coming greenery, warmth, and new life but the sound of the rushing water from the quickly melting snow held great promise.

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