Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving is a day for giving thanks and I am thankful for many, many blessings that have been given to me. I am most thankful for my family. I am thankful for my husband who, after so many years, is still my sweetheart. I am thankful for my three wonderful, healthy children, my caring and supportive parents, and my mother-in law. I am also thankful for my best friend and her lovely family. The people I love mean everything to me and I am so thankful for them.

I am thankful for the creativity of my children. All three of my children love to make clay creations out of Sculpey III, but none more than M who spends at least an hour each day making delightful creations with clay. These two adorable turkeys seem to be thinking about their eventual fate of being eaten!

A and M each made a turkey and M made a cooked turkey! Aren't they adorable!

I am so fortunate that my children are all usually very appreciative of the things that I do for them. They were all VERY excited about the big Thanksgiving dinner!

A decided to indulge today with a really full plate. She felt confident that she would swim it off next week. Given her grueling practice schedule, I have no doubt that she will!

I am thankful for the full pantry of food in my kitchen and the fact that I have never had to worry about how I was going to feed my family. In this world, it is a blessing to always have enough food to eat. I am particularly thankful for the feast we had today. Here is the menu: TURKEY

Yes, just look at that golden bird, roasted to perfection! We also had Cheesy Potatoes, Baked Corn, Green Beans, Turkey Gravy, and.........................

Pumpkin Crisp! YUMMY!

We had a lovely Thanksgiving, except for little D - he was running a low fever today and had a headache so he was feeling a bit down. Grandma J and D came over to visit later in the day. M, Grandma J, big D, and I all played Mexican Train for hours. I had never played before but I caught on quickly and really loved the game. Good food, good company, a warm fire - it was a truly excellent Thanksgiving!

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